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About Us

Homeschool Parents Aren’t Politically Feared and So They Aren’t Respected. That Has To Change Or Our Rights Will Disappear Before Our Eyes.

HFC came to life when a group of homeschool graduates saw that the homeschoolers of today had no more political clout than they had in the early 90s when they were growing up.

In an age where politics is controlled by whichever groups make the most noise, this meant that homeschoolers have been effectively silenced in the political arena—except when they were needed to be the free door knockers for local Republican candidates! These same legislators often did NOTHING for the homeschoolers who helped get them elected. We are here to change that and see that homeschoolers’ voices are HEARD by legislatures all over the country.

As a Christian-led organization, it’s our desire to see more children homeschooled and raised outside of the government education system that has trained generations of Americans to worship the State, to worship themselves, or to worship any other God but the true God.

We fight to ensure that education which allows that sort of education will not only continue to exist, but will FLOURISH for decades to come.